"Steroids" refers to a class of drugs used to treat various conditions, and for reproduction (eg, estrogen) and regulation of metabolism
and immune function, increase muscle and bone mass and treatment of inflammation and asthma (eg, cortisone). What are anabolic steroids? "Anabolic" steroids class of steroids used to increase muscle and bone mass. These drugs are produced in the laboratory to simulate male >> << sex hormone, testosterone. Despite the fact that there are different types of steroids, teens tend to abuse the "anabolic" muscle type. While anabolic steroids are available legally by prescription, they are most often prescribed to treat conditions that occur when men produce abnormally
small amount of testosterone, which can lead to delayed puberty, osteoporosis (brittle bones), and and impotence. They are also used to treat body wasting
in patients with AIDS and other diseases that lead to the loss of muscle mass. However, abuse of anabolic steroids can lead to serious health problems, some irreversible
. As a parent, you have the task to explain to your child why steroid use is a serious problem. First, while they are sometimes prescribed to treat diseases like cancer, is a significant risk to health when used outside health care
professional. Typically, in those cases, the benefits of steroid use under medical supervision outweigh the risks, and they can
improve quality of life of the patient. Second, both male and female body produces a certain level of testosterone. When teens take steroids, they add more testosterone in her
growing organism, which resets their hormonal balance. Thirdly, as steroids often are taken by injection, is also an increased risk of HIV infection and / or hepatitis from unsterilized needles or syringes. While there are many reasons teens take steroids, there are natural opportunities to talk with your child about all the reasons why they should stay away from
steroids. Here are some suggestions: >> << When your teenager gets more involved in sports. If you find a teenager becoming more concerned about body image, such as the desire to gain more muscle or appear smaller. If you notice your child's friends are hitting their growth spurts and
Make sure your teen understands that the effects of steroids may include "filling.": Infertility, damage to the cardiovascular system and liver, increased risk
injuries and diseases such as high blood cholesterol, which leads to thickening of the walls of arteries that can eventually be life threatening. If you have reason to believe your teen is abusing steroids, pay attention to these specific signs and symptoms:
noticeable weight gain, in particular, more muscle
mood swings from depression to aggression >> < <Increased injuries, especially for tendon >> << If you notice all this, talk to your teenager immediately and be absolutely clear that drug use is not permitted - and discuss the serious health risks associated with him. It is also important that you talk to a family doctor. Some health effects are reversible, as acne and mood swings, while others (such as baldness
and slow growth) is not. The doctor should also monitor and help your child stop taking steroids safely. Where Teens Get steroids? Since anabolic steroids are available only by prescription, but because they are regulated as drugs, anabolic steroids often abused
get illegal drugs. Some of the ways abusers can get steroids include: purchase of steroids illegal drug labs (not subject to FDA
rules and regulations), smuggled from other countries purchase through online sales or theft of U.S. pharmacies. Form anabolic steroids containing androstenedione, or "John" can be purchased legally without a prescription in many commercial sources, including
health food stores. Anabolic steroid precursor that the body converts into anabolic steroids. There is evidence that
can increase the risk of serious long-term health problems. How to use steroids? Doses approved drug can be 100 times greater than doses used to treat diseases. While steroids do not provide medical intoxicating effect, abuse of steroids growing teenager may lead to serious consequences:
Short-term effects depends on the person, but the overall short-term negative consequences for both sexes include hostility, aggression and acne. Steroids may have a strong influence on teens because their bodies are still growing. Any unnatural substances such as anabolic steroids, which
designed to physically change the body before adulthood, may cause a delay in growth height and may be permanent. Men may have shriveled testicles, difficulty lasix mg iv or pain when urinating, become sterile or impotent, develop breasts, hair loss, and
increased risk of prostate cancer. Women may experience excessive growth of body and facial hair, male pattern baldness, reduce body fat and breast size, modification or termination
menstrual cycle and deepen the voice.
Long-term effects of long-term consequences for both men and women as related to the extreme tension in the body. Long term effects include:
Jaundice (yellowish color of the skin, tissues and body fluids)
psychological effects, although steroids are taken as the mood of psychotropic drugs, they have negative psychological effects if abused. Scientific studies have shown that
aggression and other psychiatric side effects may result from abuse of anabolic steroids. Many users report feeling good during
anabolic steroids, but researchers report that extreme mood swings also can occur, including hyperactivity or agitation, and uncontrolled aggression
(known as "steroid rage") which can lead to violence. What is the conclusion of steroids? Many abusers feel a strong steroid and "happy" when they are used. When they stop, they may experience feelings of depression that can lead to dependency >>. << Researchers also report that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, disturbance decision arising from a sense of invincibility
. Arnold, gym candy, juice, pumpers, stackers, weight trainers and all the frequently used terms to refer to steroids. Check and their street names. .